
Tuscaloosa News On Rep. Allen

The Tuscaloosa (AL) News ran an editorial on 4/22 regarding the introduction of Gerald "don't wanna read about no fags" Allen's bill into committee:

Allen says the legislation is not about hate but is a response to concerns of citizens about cultural preservation and government spending.

The motivation, however, is quite obvious -- and not just to the gays who complained about it at the committee meeting on Wednesday. It treats homosexuality as a contagious sin, spread by casual contact -- a concept that belongs in the Dark Ages.

Allen has tried to make his legislation more palatable by excluding college libraries, allowing for some of Shakespeare’s plays to be read in K-12 classes and letting college theater groups perform Tennessee Williams’ “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof."


Committee Chairwoman Yvonne Kennedy, D-Mobile, who is black, ably articulated [the lack of principle behind the bill] when she closed the meeting:

“I am one who has been discriminated against," she said, “and I will not be part of anything that fosters discrimination."

Ouch. Great framing by Rep. Kennedy. Replace "homosexual" with "black" and see what kind of outrage it would spark.

You can read the entire editorial here, though it requires registration (or a BugMeNot link!!)

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