Whenever 'A' attempts by law to impose his moral standards upon 'B', 'A' is most likely a scoundrel. -H.L. Mencken, writer, editor, and critic
Disgusting. But is shows the utter hatred and disrespect the ruling classes have for the majority of citizens in the states. She's clear. Is everybody else willing to be equally as clear? I worry that while the left follows courteous rules for conversation, debate and engagement, those on the right continue to break all the rules and do whatever they want.
I nearly gagged when I read that. Like mother, like son, I suppose.
Disgusting. But is shows the utter hatred and disrespect the ruling classes have for the majority of citizens in the states. She's clear. Is everybody else willing to be equally as clear? I worry that while the left follows courteous rules for conversation, debate and engagement, those on the right continue to break all the rules and do whatever they want.
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