
Bright Blue Dot

I saw one of these last week in the parking lot of our supermarket. What I didn't realize is that the company making these are based here in Birmingham! Go visit and patronize: www.britebluedot.com.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's great that Gina McWilliams, the visionary behind the bright blue dot, was able to put such a positive, inclusive message out. It's sad on the other hand that Joellyn Beckhum ued this opportunity to promote herself, while professing that she was the sole creator. Now, with the nation turning blue, I've taken my blue dot off. I don't feel so disenfranchised. Thanks to your Ms. McWilliams for staying positive. Ms. Beckhum seems to be a loose cannon after the New York Times article. Why pander?
Statements like this are polarizing “If it’s in your face, then people here might take a baseball bat to your windshield,”
Is Ms.Beckum ashamed to be an Alabamian?